EEG Remuneration

Here you can find out everything you need to know about EEG Remuneration

Systems with full or excess grid feed-in, direct marketing

The groundbreaking regulation in the new § 2 sentence 1 EEG 2023

“The construction and operation of systems and the associated ancillary systems are in the overriding public interest and serve public safety. Until electricity generation in Germany is almost greenhouse gas-neutral, renewable energies should be included as a priority in the respective protective goods assessments to be carried out.”

Brand new: amendments to the BauGB expected in 2023

Systems with full or excess grid feed-in

For electricity from agriphotovoltaic systems (“special solar systems”), 7.0 ct / kWh are initially remunerated. However, due to the higher electricity generation costs, a surcharge is granted:

  • In 2023 1.2 ct / kWh (so a total of 8.2 ct / kWh)

  • In 2024 1.0 ct / kWh

  • In 2025 0.7 ct / kWh

  • From 2026 0.5 ct / kWh

PV-Systems on moorland should receive a payment of 0.5 ct/kWh.

The areas for Agri-PV systems are also to be expanded to most of the agricultural land, such as agriculturally used grassland, but with conditions. (including no Natura 2000 areas)

Farmers continue to receive EU area aid for the Agri-PV area.

(according to § 48 para. 1EEG 2023), Note: The remuneration rates shown are only valid after approval by the EU Commission, probably only from January 1st, 2023.

Äpfel, Akzeptanz, Anlagendesign, aufgeständerte Unterkonstruktion, Bewirtschaf-tung, Direktvermarktung, doppelte Landnutzung, Dürreschäden, Eigenstromver-brauch, Energiewende, Ertragsprognose, Flächendruck, Flächeneffizienz, Folienüber-dachung, Frostschäden, Genehmigungsprozesse, Hagelschäden, Hagelschutznetze, intensive Ackerkulturen, Klimawandel, Landschaftsästhetik, Landschaftsattraktivität, Landschaftsschutz, landwirtschaftliche Hauptnutzung, Lichtverfügbarkeit, Marktfähig-keit, Naturschutz, Fotosynthese, Pilotanlagen, privilegierte Vorhaben, ressourceneffi-ziente Landnutzung, Semitransparent, Sonnenbrand, Starkregen, Strombörse, Syner-getische Integration, Tracker, Wassermanagement, Wasserverfügbarkeit, zusätzliche Solarstromproduktion, zusätzliches Einkommen, EEG-Förderung, Ertragssteigerungen, Beeren, Wein, Gemüse, Modulbreite, Bilanzkreis, Ackerkulturen, Gesamtproduktivität, anzulegender Wert, dienende Funktion, Netzbetreiber, Ernteausfälle, zusätzliche Ein-kommensquelle, Reihenabstand, gartenbauliche, Kulturen, Sonderkulturen, lichte Hö-he, überragendes öffentliches, Interesse, Rammung, Erzeugungsprognose, Über-schusseinspeisung, Marktpreis, Neigungswinkel, Wechselrichter, Fernsteuerbarkeit, Bodenversiegelung, fixe Einspeisevergütung, Marktprämie, Flächendruck, PV, Photo-voltaik, Solar, PV-Anlage, Photovoltaik-Anlage, Photovoltaik Anlage, AgriPV, AgriPV, Agrar-PV, Agrar-PV, Agrar-Photovoltaik, Agrar Photovoltaik, Module, Unterkonstrukti-on, Landwirtschaft, Land, grün, Bauern, Obstanbau, Obst, Energie, erneuerbare Ener-gie, PV, Carports, Tracker, geführt, statisch, Deutschland, PV-Firma, PV Firma, Agrar, Pflanzenkultur, Himbeere, Wein, Obst, Apfel

Attention: From an installed capacity of 100kW, the EEG provides for an obligation to direct marketing.

Three components of direct marketing: market price, market premium and management fee

  • The direct marketer pays you the market price every month (= average price achieved for PV electricity on the exchange).

  • Added to this is the market premium that the network operator pays you. The market price and market premium together result in the amount of the value to be applied.

  • A marketing fee is charged for the direct marketer service.

Systems with pure direct marketing (according to EEG 2023)

  • EPEX SPOT (European Power Exchange): Price per kilowatt hour for short-term purchase at 55 ct / kWh - without taxes, levies and profit margins of the suppliers. (as of August 2022)

  • In the case of pure direct marketing, payments of 15 to 19 ct / kWh can be expected in the next three years.

  • By the way: Under certain conditions, you can always switch from direct marketing back to EEG funding.

The new EU CAP amendment for agricultural subsidies will apply from January 1, 2023. Accordingly, agronomists also receive a subsidy if 15 percent of their area is used for solar energy. So far, solar modules have been considered a trade, and farmers lose subsidies for their fields when they are set up.

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